Monday, December 24, 2007

Yom Shabbos, and after

Shabbos in Katimon was a nice relaxing shabbos. Friday night Liz and I went to shul held in a school gym. It's called "Shir Chadash" and the whole congregation is Anglo. Katimon is a very strong Anglo community, one of the many that exist in Israel. After shul, we met Ronen at a friend's apartment in Rechevia. On the way there, we passed a school that has a little farm of ducks, chickens, and turkeys. It was fun to hear the ducks quack. :)
A few other people came to the meal, which was very delicious. Challah, salads, chicken, beef stew, turkey meatballs - all were very yummy, and I ate way too much. Then, they told us how their apartment was almost broken into, at which point, we started to get ready to leave. Apparently, their cute little dog barked to wake his "mommy" who called the police to stop the robbers. Way to go, Noodle!

Shabbos morning we woke up late, and got ready for the meal. Liz and my friend from NY, Atara, came over, and so did a few other Anglo guests with a cute little kid. This girl made a toy out of everything - the blocks, the silverware, and the coasters.
It was nice catching up with Atara, and just relaxing for the rest of shabbos.

After shabbat was over, we hung around, watching a documentary on "El Nino," and I figured out my travel plans back to Har Nof. After going back to Har Nof, dropping off all my stuff, I went back to town to meet up with my friend Sherri who's here as a staff on birthright, the Parkers again, and Liz and Ronen came down as well. The plan was, to go get some yummy waffles, which the Parkers desperately wanted to eat, but didn't want to eat alone. So we began our search. I knew there was a place off Ben Yehudah, so we went, with the line around the corner, and found out that it wasn't even kosher. On to our next stop: An ice cream place behind Ben Yehudah, that was kosher, and had waffles, crepes and all sorts of ice cream on their menu. Jon asked the clerk if we were on the right line for waffles, and I heard her response, "Ein vafflim ha erev ha zeh." Great, they don't have waffles tonight. So, we gave up on waffles for the night, and I went to get some "Big Apple Pizza." Yum.
Then it was on the way back to Har Nof to get some rest before my first day of school in the frummy part of town.


The Parkers said...

You need to pay closer attention to your petting zoos, lady! That little farm also has a rabbit infestation and a PEACOCK. Also, the rooster crows all day long, whenever people pass, regardless of the sun's position. Crazy country.

Unknown said...

Ice Cream, Waffles... man, now I want a Diner!

Mea-Shiarim... FRUMMY-VILLE!!! Be careful, they might cast a voodoo spell on you...